Upcoming episodes
8/24 - Ep. 6
Paul Marcarelli Last Episode of Season 1
All interviews are subject to change.
Upcoming episodes
7/6 - Ep. 3
What's Happening at Chaseholm Farm - Sarah Chase
7/20 - Ep. 4
What's Happening at Troutbeck - Charlie Champalimaud
8/3 - Ep. 5
What's Happening with Dani's Career, Creativity, and Love of Litchfield - Dani Shapiro
8/24 - Ep. 6
What's Happening with Creel & Gow - Jamie Creel
9/7 - Ep. 7
What's Happening with Paul's Career - Paul Marcarelli
9/21 - Ep.8
What's Happening with Claire De Boer? - Claire De Boer